Which Team Do You Cheer For? An N.B.A. Fan Map by The New York Times
- Are you a self-taught “scientist programmer”? Here is why people think code written by people like you is ugly.
- As always, R articles are extremely popular. This week, we have: Facebook teaches you exploratory data analysis with R by Revolution Analytics, Beyond R, or on the Hunt for New Tools by Quintuitive, Bootstrap Critisim (with example) by Eran Raviv, The apply command 101 by Learning R by Imitation, and Can We do Better than R-squared? by Learning as You Go.
- Julia is a new programming language (only 2 years old) for scientific computing and it has gained lots of popularity recently. In the past, we shared some articles comparing R and Julia. This week, Alvaro Galindo writes another comparison called Julia versus R – Playing around.
- Sébastien Bubeck, assistant professor at Princeton, releases the first draft of his monograph based some old lecture notes called Theory of Convex Optimization for Machine Learning.
- And finally, happy Victoria Day to those in Canada!
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