- Are you a fan of Wes Anderson? Revoluntion Analytics shares some ideas on how you can bring his style to your own R charts, by making use of these Wes Anderson inspired palettes.
- Given 3 random variables X, Y and Z with known distributions, can you calculate cov(X, Y) from cov(X, Z) and cov(Y, Z)?
- Some useful R tips this week are: Filtering Data with L1 Regularisation, quickly calculating summary statistics from a data frame, A Simple Introduction to the Graphing Philosophy of ggplot2, and Visualizing principal components with R and Sochi Olympic Athletes.
- Xi’an reviews Bayesian Data Analysis by Andrew Gelman, John Carlin, Hal Stern, David Dunson, Aki Vehtari, and Don Rubin.
- And finally, Nathan Yau of FlowingData presents some visuals from a study on smoking prevalence from 1996 to 2012, and concludes that smoking rate is inversely proportional to income level.
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