- For those who love the TV show CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, a tutorial on how you can detect traces of data fraud using R.
- Did you know that a t-distribution can be written as a mixture of Gaussians? Here how it works.
- PirateGrunt continues his series “24 Days of R”.
- etcML is an online text classification startup (advised by Andrew Ng of Stanford University) that helps answer questions like, Is your favorite sports team is popular on Twitter? Or, Is your kickstarter proposal is written for success?
- A tutorial on how to use matrix factorization to analyse social network graphs.
- Revolution Analytics conducts an analysis on R packages and found over 30 R packages require 10 or more prerequisite packages (with SISUS requiring 19), while most packages have 3 or less dependencies.
- And finally, if you flip a fair coin 100 times, what is the probability that you will get 60 or more heads?